CLIFFS OF MOHER Although extremely beautiful and breathtaking, my non-existant fear of heights sort of kicked into overdrive in the back of my brain as I stood some 500 feet above the crashing Atlantic below. Brad and other tourists, were much more dare devlish in nature than myself, but the view was beautiful regardless of where you stood. Fine with being this close... dare devils He made me nervous Mist rolling over the cliffs I chose the lower path... Trail that leads on to the Burren Way We ended up driving the Burren, a very unique landscape that has quite the vegetation and growth immersed in expansive rock formations. We enjoyed visiting the coastal town of Doolen and two very diverse beaches showcasing the Wild Atlantic way. It was beautiful, even amid dense sheets of misty rain and fog, and breaks of sunshine. rocky landscape of the Burren Flora found in the burren CON...
Journals, thoughts, and ramblings of a devoted wife, mom, writer, and teacher.