If I have learned anything about myself, it is that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. I started setting these goals of wanting to run a 5K after seeing two of my close friends continue to post their journeys as runners. These two women are inspirations to me because they are determined to reach their own goals and go beyond what they are capable of doing. I kept telling Brad that I want to do a 5K, eventually a 10K, and last a triathlon, but never really set my mind to it. Then, by chance, my friend, Dede, posted an event about the Color Run on Facebook, invited me, and immediately I decided this was it! Saturday was the run. It was, by far, the best experience I have had and cleared my mind of all the chaos and urgency of work that has been clamoring at me the past several weeks. It was an occasion full of joy, happiness, and just plain fun. Seriously, who would have thought getting down right smashed with colored powder and jumping around in a celebration clo...
Journals, thoughts, and ramblings of a devoted wife, mom, writer, and teacher.