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Happy 1st Birthday, Little Man!

Dear Jaxson:
Hooray for today! You’re officially ONE! 12 months have come and gone and we sit on the edge of toddlerdom. From the minute, I told your Papa I thought I was pregnant to the day you decided to come four weeks earlier than planned into our world, it has been nothing but a feeling of completion. Papa will admit he didn’t want another baby, but that door in my world had not officially been closed, and when you decided to choose us as your parents, I don’t think either of us could have chosen a better baby boy to complete us.

Much like your sister, you are a unique little guy so full of spunk and happiness. You are so happy, all the time. You do, however, get mad and let us know. I am sure that is the fiery Irish genes in you, but your temper wains and your precious smile returns. You melt hearts wherever you go, whoever you meet. You are sweet, laid back, and composed. You emulate love in the way you cling to me tightly when I get you up in the morning or when you’re sick of playing independently by yourself. You hold tight to my neck and hum softly in my ear, a sign of gratitude for me being there for you. You have a contagious laugh that gets us all smiling and laughing along with you. I love watching you kiss your reflection on the tiles in the kitchen, shout with excitement at the dogs outside, or draw with the chalk on the chalkboard and art table. You have met your milestones at your own pace: Sitting around month 4, army crawling around month 8, pulling yourself up around month 9, and finally full-fledge crawling at month 11.8 (literally, the last week of being an infant). Soon you’ll be experiencing the world by walking around and having us keep up with you. 😊

I don’t know much about raising a boy, but I do know that you have taken over my heart. From the moment, you were placed in my arms, the way you still curl up on your tummy as if you’re seeking out the comfort of my heartbeat, you are the best gift given to me by God. I can say the last quadrant of my heart is full, and you, my dear Jaxson, make it complete.
I love watching you reach your milestones this year, and can’t wait for you to reach more. I have loved watching your bond grow with your sister. She is your secret keeper and the gentle soul that will be there for you when we cannot. She is your caregiver and will help lead you and help you learn. I already see how much you look up to her and love her. I hope you have a lasting friendship that is never severed.

The door is open to the world that waits for you. Discovery, adventure, milestones…It will go by so fast. I will blink and you will be older and different. I do know, though, I am embracing these fleeting moments. In the pictures, I take of what encompasses being a mom and watching you and your sister become independent tiny humans, these daily tokens are etched memories of the hourglass sand, of the abundance of love. Of what makes our life, our little family, whole.

Happy Birthday, sweet Prince. We love you.

Mom and Papa


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